What’s the Best Day to Launch a New Website and the Days To Avoid at All Costs?

If you are designing a new website for your business, you may wonder when is the best day to launch a website.

Believe it or not, Tuesday is the best day of the week to launch a new website. Refreshed potential customers are not yet too tired because it is still the start of the work week. Your dev team availability will be at its most productive for handling website issues on a Tuesday rather than a later day in the week.

Why are the other days of the week not the best day to launch a website? Let’s find out!

How To Determine if You’re Ready to Launch Your Website

Check multiple factors before launching your website. Of course, the most important is proper timing when setting your launch day.

The more time and energy that goes into your launch plan will directly affect the impact on your first visitors during launch week. Ask yourself when preparing a soft launch:

  • Did you set up Google Analytics?
  • Do you have a properly worded mission and vision page?
  • Is your contact page complete and visible on the website?
  • Is the website compatible with browsing on mobile devices?
  • Can visitors navigate the website accordingly?
  • Is the text on your website spelled correctly, cohesively written, and grammar free?

The type of project involved in your website soft launch and how much money you need are important to consider when selecting a launch day. If anything, be patient and give yourself more time than you originally thought you would need to complete everything on your launch to-do list.

If you find a month before launch day that some things are still not ticked off that to-do list, consider pushing it back at least another three to six months. It’s better to be utmost prepared rather than missing key elements for your website.

Is Your Real Estate Website Ready for Launch?

Real estate websites benefit from having a professional layout with no bugs, fast-loading pages, and refined web pages highlighting your business beautifully and cohesively. Rather than immediately launching your website to the public, conduct a soft launch to a select group of browsers to work out any kinks before the major launch.

Your real estate website will not succeed if you rush production and launch at the wrong time. Doing so means you will release a substandard web product lacking excellent content. Some website viewers can tell the difference between a web page created professionally and one generated haphazardly, even if they never built a website for themselves.

Your best bet would be to hire a web developer with the experience necessary to capture your client’s attention and take them away from national competitors such as Zillow. If you have a competitive function such as the Internet Data Exchange (IDX), which regularly updates your real estate listings to keep them current for potential homeowners and renters.

Integrate a more professional look into your real estate website by using one of the best WordPress themes. Especially if you do not prefer to hire a professional web developer, utilizing WordPress as you build your real estate website will get you on the right track to an aesthetically pleasing and professionally generated browsing experience.

Home Buying Cycles

Source: Google Trends

There are four types of home buying cycles in the real estate market that influence how homeowners interact with listings on corresponding websites based on national and global economic trends.

The home buying cycles are called hyper-supply, expansion, recession, and recovery. Changes in population, any issues with the global economy, and fluctuating interest rates are just some of the many influences that decide which home-buying cycle the real estate market is currently in.

Hyper Supply

Real estate going into the hyper-supply home buying cycle means that there is an abundance of real estate listings that are meeting the growing demand of homeowners looking to purchase a home. When you are in the hyper-supply home buying cycle, it is the best time to implement the buy-and-hold strategy.

This means that you purchase homes that have a higher chance of selling and hold them until their market value rises. Once the market transitions into another cycle where you can get more profit from the sale, then you can sell it to a homeowner at that time instead.


The real estate market in the expansion phase is when the act of home buying is at its peak health. If renters are looking for homes or apartments for rent more so than before, this means that the expansion home buying cycle is occurring.

Developers rely on the expansion phase to sell their properties at a higher value than any home buying cycle. Analyzing the increases in property value accordingly will help you to invest in the best way possible.


A recession home buying cycle usually comes at the end of the peak of any of the other three cycles. Hence, more real estate properties are on the market than home buyers are looking to purchase, which means that supply is higher than demand in a recession.

For example, you may have recalled one of the home-buying recession cycles that occurred at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. More people were working from home or unemployed altogether. Landlords of rental properties and apartment managers had to abide by new laws of not evicting tenants based on overdue rent as more people were having trouble keeping up with their monthly household responsibilities.


A recovery home-buying cycle means the real estate market is bouncing back after a long bout of suffering and declining home-buying sales. This is the home-buying cycle with the longest period versus its three cousins.

For home buyers, this is the best time to purchase a property that is lower than its original market value so that you are spending less money on investing in a new home. Play it smart and get your properties ready during the recovery phase so you can sell them for a higher profit during the expansion phase.

You and Your Staff’s Schedule

Are you an individual agent, or do you lead a team of real estate agents? Each different team setup has an impact on how you will serve your clients.

As an individual agent, you will only be able to take a select pool of clients every week, or you will suffer an increased and overwhelming workload. Hence, time management and project management skills are essential for maintaining a satisfied client base.

With a team of real estate agents, you can delegate clients to each person, so there is an equal workload. Of course, some clients may want to request a specific agent on your team, especially if they have worked with them before. Hence, if a client contacts an agent within your team, they would be eligible for a commission if they make a sale.

Ask yourself who is developing the website and how it is getting done. If you are developing the website as an individual agent, you can refine it how you desire without input from the rest of your team members.

Maybe you are not tech-savvy and need some assistance in building your website. If you have a teenage child, niece, or nephew, you can ask them to do it for an affordable price. Hiring an experienced web developer means spending more money, but you can ensure it is done with the utmost professionalism. While your teen may be savvy with web building, they may not have as much experience as the web developer.

Why Monday Isn’t the Best Day to Launch a New Website

Avoiding a Monday website launch means you can avoid the chaos of the beginning of the work week. There are backed-up messages to answer from the weekend from potential clients, and news is starting to influence the home buying trends for that week. Plus, most meetings in businesses occur on a Monday to get managers and real estate brokers ready to strategize for the work week.

Your target audience may not be ready to browse your new website as they are transitioning into the new work week themselves. If you have ever heard of the phrase “having a bad case of the Mondays,” this is why. People are coming out of weekend mode and transitioning into work mode for the new week.

Do Not Launch Your Website on a Friday

Fridays are a special no-no, so do not consider launching this day. If anything goes wrong with the website during a Friday launch day, the errors will last the entire weekend as you may not have enough time to correct them before the end of the business day before you and your team are off on the weekend.

Depending on the development team members’ location and where your clients live, they may not be around on Fridays due to their possibly different time zones. This lack of availability could mean that errors stay unfixed while potential customers are unable to browse your real estate listings because of the new website bugs or just being busy in general, closing out the work week.

A launch day sometime earlier in the work week without being too close to the end is essential for the utmost success. So what is the best day to launch a new website? We are getting down to the wire.

We Don’t Recommend Launching on Wednesdays or Thursdays

Attempting to launch your real estate website on a Wednesday or Thursday could be an issue as well, even if you have a solid marketing campaign in place. The midweek slump will have development team members already overstimulated from the work they had to complete earlier in the week. Hence, they may not be able to handle debugging your new website as effectively as they would if you had launched a little earlier in the week.

Why We Think Tuesday Is the Best Day to Launch

Energy levels for browsers tend to be their highest on a Tuesday. Studies have shown that Tuesday is the earliest day in the week when workers have higher energy levels to tackle their workload. This means that development team members will have the resolve and energy necessary to tackle debugging your new website as needed. Plus, your potential customers will be more willing to browse your website for home-buying listings to plan their future.

By starting a website launch on a Tuesday, you will also have enough time to start ironing out new website bugs so that your page is functional for weekend browsers. If there is anything that you forgot to do the weekend leading up to your launch, then you have that Monday to finalize everything before your major launch on that Tuesday.

Hence, you will have the advantage of customer excitement when launching on a Tuesday. There will be less chance of customer service issues as you have more time during the week to fix any new website bugs and deal with your incoming client load.

The Key Is to Have a Successful Launch

Most real estate agents utilize the subdomain website as the domain provider that their broker provides for them. However, they will have to create a whole new website layout if they end up changing brokers. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) states that realtors will change out their brokers, on average, usually about once every five years.

Even if the domain is under your ownership, you will lose that SEO edge by having to completely redo the website whenever you change brokers. Instead, find the broker that best represents your image so that you do not have to go through the hurdle of redoing your website once every half-decade.

A launch plan timeline is essential for new real estate business owners. Have the edge over other nationally recognized real estate websites by integrating the Showcase IDX plugin for your new WordPress website.

A sample website launch plan checklist would look something like this:

  • Review the website layout.
  • Refine the text on your website to remove spelling and grammatical errors. Edit and rewrite text for clarity as needed.
  • If test content is on your website for the soft launch, remove it before the major launch day.
  • Reassure that the text on your website has a proper context so you can address your target audience accordingly.
  • Make sure hidden copy functions such as JavaScript and alt text are working.
  • If there is a blog to optimize SEO to integrate into your marketing campaign.
  • Listing your website on real estate website directories to be more easily found.
  • Creating a social media marketing campaign that links your real estate website for more reach to clients.
  • Figure out the best day to launch a website.

Using this option proves successful for website traffic, as 87% of it comes from Google searches. Just within the last year, Showcase IDX has grown in usage amongst real estate website owners by 47%. Find out more information by starting a 10-day free trial of using the Showcase IDX website plugin to see how it works for your website and your clients.

Related FAQs: Best Day to Launch a Website

We have discussed the best day and worst days throughout the week to launch a new website. Here are answers to your frequently asked questions, so you know more specifics on the best and worst days to launch a new website business.

What time of day is the best time to launch a website?

Launching your website on a Tuesday around 10 am is the ideal launch time. It will be during your main pool of clients’ local time that will optimize website traffic during launch day. It’s not too early in the work day, but it is just in time for people’s first small morning break if they start at 7 am or 8 am.

What is the best day to launch an online business?

Tuesday is the most optimal day to launch your real estate website. Energy levels are higher amongst development teams and clients so that you get the most optimal back-end support and incoming website traffic. Check with your domain provider to see their trends on the days of the most successful website launches if you have to refine your strategy.

Should you launch a website on a Friday?

Friday is one of the worst days of the week to launch a website, so you should not choose this as your launch day. Discrepancies with the development team’s days of availability and the possibility of website errors not being worked out before the weekend can make a Friday launch day controversial.

Is Thursday a good day to launch a website?

We suggest not launching your website on a Thursday because this is one of the days that are involved in the midweek slump trend. Plus, it is too close to the end of the week, and your development team may not have enough time to work out a website issue in time for the weekend.

Is Sunday a good day to launch a website?

Sunday is not a good day to launch a website. Development teams are usually only available throughout the main work week of Monday through Friday. Plus, clients are still in weekend mode, trying to enjoy the last of their time off and prepare for the upcoming work week towards the end of a Sunday.

Should I launch my website right before a holiday?

When it comes to launching a website, timing is everything. Waiting until just before a major holiday (or a popular religious holiday) to launch your new website, however, is not the way to go. Even if you performed all the necessary testings, issues can still occur when a surge of users enter your website. To prevent this it is better to have a soft launch than a big one. It is also critical to have your team available (and not on vacation) to monitor and quickly resolve any issues.

Author Details
Entrepreneurial marketing leader that’s built and run organizations from start-up to over $500M annual revenue. He brings a unique combination of storytelling and innovation to the team, having led marketing for many brands. Kurt’s a regular conference speaker and workshop leader around modern marketing tactics that actually drive sales. In addition, he has been asked to coach and advise thousands of leaders, from startup founders to the President of the United States.

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