MLS Coverage

1 million agents in 100+ MLS markets, including 19 of the 20 largest MLSs

Websites powered by Showcase IDX get the best results. Find out why we are known as the engine behind the best real estate websites.

Each MLS in the U.S. is independent and offers direct data feeds to technology vendors via RETS and/or Web API. Our proprietary MLS aggregation technology connects local MLSs into our IDX engine and the most advanced home search available. Please note, though, if your MLS is not covered on this page, then we don’t currently connect with your MLS.

Our exclusive IDX engine contains more than 2,000,000 active real estate listings and 22,800,000 images. It is continually updating new listings and images. Behind the scenes, it’s working for you, to update 110,000 listings and 152,000 images per hour to send new MLS listings to the IDX search pages on your site for some MLSs in as little as 10-15 minutes, so you can be confident that your clients and website visitors will see the most up-to-date listings, images, and information

We also offer you additional data that helps your residential clients find the home they’re looking for, such as neighborhood & commute information, population information (total area population, age breakdowns, education levels, marital status, number of households with children, etc.), employment information, and more. From there, our tools allow you to easily capture leads, learn more about your clients, and follow up with your clients with automated search results that meet their needs. Our mission is to help you grow your business.

We deal with technology, so you do not have to, and we love geeking out on innovative technology that people use every day. How much do we love data and software people love? The Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) wrote a case study on us, how our team helped build the navigation apps in your car and on your phone (pages 6 – 7, and Showcase IDX’s role in the real estate industry over the past 20+ years.).

Start your free trial today. Find out why we’re the #1 rated IDX plugin and why the best web developers work with us.

WordPress: Want to know why we focus solely on websites powered by WordPress? Two reasons. First, we are the ONLY IDX that is consistently ranked the #1 SEO and organic lead generation home search because of the proprietary way we deliver IDX data and work with your WordPress website. Second, watch this video to learn why you should choose WordPress over Wix, Squarespace, or any other platform.

Request an MLS. Want us to come to your MLS? Let us know and we’ll keep you updated as we continue to expand.

MLS Search

Enter a MLS name, association name, or major city in your area to locate your MLS system and IDX service details. Listings for some cities may be included in more than one MLS.